: Prime Listing
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| Ipswich Shellfish Co [US] Products : live lobster (Exporter) We are a world wide shipper of live Canadian, Maine Lobster.
| BAYRAMOGLU F£¿HERY&STORAGE [TR] Products : Top Shell Meat () We have export and manufacturer company in Turkey.
| Obico Marine Products [PH] Products : dried sea cucumbers, dried seaweeds, dried abalones, seashells (Exporter) OBICO MARINE PRODUCTS has been in the business of exporting Marine Products like Sea Shells (finished products & materials), Dried Seaweeds, Dried Abalone, Shaksfin & Dried Sea Cucumber
| Ernest N. Lam Lam &Co. [AU] Products : Seafood (Service) Agent for sourcing for supply of seafood items, including dried seacucumber, abalone, prawns and fishes
| Castlerock Fisheries Limited., [IN] Products : Shrimps,Lobster,Squid,Cuttlefish,Pomfret,Seerfish,Indian Mackeral,Snapper,etc () Largest Exporters of Frozen Seafoods from India exporting 40,000mt of Seafood per anum to various destinations round the globe.
| Kardez Ltd.Co. [TR] Products : topshell (rapana venosa), mushrooms, anchovy, snails () Kardez
| FKL Global Trading Co.,Ltd. [TH] Products : Soft Shell Crabs (Exporter) We are a soft shell crabs manufacturer. We also conducting trade on other frozen seafood auch as shrimps, squids, and fishes
| Snails & Snails [AR] Products : Sanils (Manufacturer) We specialize in snail farming under top quality standards.
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